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Are you at the right place ?

Katie Boulter

Katie Boulter

Meet Katie Boulter, the creative mind behind the paint and sip Rose Soiree Bulimba and Brisbane's very first splatter room in Woolloongabba. 


Katie's journey into the world of art was sparked by a desire to transform the way people perceive their creative abilities. Too often, she noticed individuals being excessively hard on themselves, convinced that they weren't "doing it right" when it came to art. This revelation became the driving force behind the creation of the splatter room—a place where conventional step-by-step approaches are set aside, and the true essence of creativity is unleashed.


In a world that often imposes rigid rules and expectations, Katie believes in breaking free from these constraints. Her vision is to show that creativity is not confined to following a predetermined path; rather, it's an innate quality within all of us. The splatter room serves as a canvas where people can liberate their creativity, free from judgment and self-doubt.


Katie's philosophy centres around the power of self-permission. She encourages her guests to let go of preconceived notions about art and embrace the joy of spontaneous creation. Through splatters, drips, and colourful chaos, she empowers individuals to discover their artistic potential and celebrate the beauty of imperfection.


At Rose Soiree and the splatter room, Katie fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can tap into their inner artist. Her mission is to remind us all that creativity knows no boundaries, and with a splash of paint and a willingness to explore, we can uncover the limitless artist within ourselves.


Katie's eve pick is the Stretch Denim Overalls which you can shop here